True, All-in-One, Handheld Ethernet DMX Tester
PLASA Innovation Award Winner!
LDI Debuting Product Award Winner!
Cine Gear Expo Technical Award Winner!
Complete analysis of active Network streams and devices
Monitors network activity and bandwidth usage
Color-coded, scrolling Packet Lister, with touch navigation, shows raw Ethernet packets
Multicast Stream detection with multicast switch support
Configurable ICMP Ping sender and responder
“Protocol Detector” specifically recognizes standard entertainment industry protocols (Dante, ArtNet, sACN, MANet (2 & 3), HogNet, d3Net, and more)
PoE detection and analysis of connected sources
SMPTE LTC Timecode transmitter, receiver and statistics analyzer
DMX 512 control and analysis via ArtNet, sACN or standard 5-pin DMX
DMX Transmission with multiple active universe output and source data editors (touch-sensitive faders, FX engine, stored scene playback & more)
Simulate a DMX node by assigning incoming ArtNet or sACN streams to output via 5-pin DMX ports
Monitor active incoming sources of DMX, ArtNet or sACN with multiple value display formats, plus flicker-finder and timing statistics
DMX Scope, real-time voltage waveform analysis
RDM device monitoring supports most standard PID and “Raw PID” modes for custom messages
“Smart” DMX cable tester, with pin-to-pin and bandwidth testing
Optional Carrying Pouch
Includes two 3-Pin to 5-Pin XLR adapters
TMB IQ Tester LV 7 DMX
TMB IQ Tester LV 6 RDM
TMB IQ Tester LV 5 Ethernet
TMB IQ Tester LV 4 Timecode
TMB IQ Tester LV 3 Firmware Utility
TMB IQ Tester LV 2 Cable Tester
TMB IQ Tester LV 1 PoE Tester
TMB IQ Tester LV - DMX